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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-15639

Support running on Eclipse Luna platform


      Luna M2 M3 has been released, with already a few changes available. We should investigate the effort of moving current master from Kepler to Luna.

      As Target Platform 4.40.0.Alpha1-SNAPSHOT is now based on Luna, it is easy to try a build for a given component with

      mvn clean verify -Dtpc.version=4.40.0.Alpha1-SNAPSHOT

      If you component has new compilation or test failure, you should report them as a Jira and make it a dependency of this Jira.

      WTP API Migration: http://wiki.eclipse.org/New_Help_for_Old_Friends_IX
      Eclipse core: Not published yet.

            nivologd@gmail.com Denis Golovin (Inactive)
            mistria@redhat.com Mickael Istria
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            3 Start watching this issue
