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  1. Kogito
  2. KOGITO-29

Build & publish GWT-compatible Eclipse (EMF) models for BPSim, Drools namespaces


      Produce ECore factories that can be x-compiled client-side. This can be easily done by using the platform GWT in the Eclipse dropdown for Ecore code gen

      Goal for this issue is either to provide publishable artifacts from which to depend in Stunner BPMN client project
      alternative: drop the classes inside the stunner client project

      EDIT: this task could be really simple and amount to just publish pure source-code artifacts of the same models. I have verified myself that existing modesl for the drools and bpsim namespaces are already compiling under GWT using current source artifacts without any changes. In this case, publishing source code artifact for BPMN could be just enough (it lets us avoid to publish the alternate version here https://github.com/evacchi/gwt-bpmn-marshallers)

      Update: The ideal would be just to refactoring existing BPMN2 Eclise domain classes (also there exist a custom Maven artifact org.eclipse:org.eclipse.bpmn2:0.8.2-jboss:jar for it) by exposing those into the GWT compiler, rather than creating new modules. The sources for this artifact are here.

            romartin@redhat.com Roger Martinez
            evacchi Edoardo Vacchi (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
