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  1. JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 4 and 5
  2. JBPAPP-9889

Replacing HornetQ by HornetQ 2.2.20.GA


    • Icon: Support Patch Support Patch
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • One Off Releases
    • EAP_EWP 5.1.2
    • HornetQ
    • None
    • this is a simple tag: git clone hornetq; git checkout HornetQ_2_2_20_EAP_GA_build2
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              JBoss Enterprise Application Platform (EAP)
              This is back porting the HornetQ 2.2.20.GA release to EAP 5.1.2.
              This patch contains a few minor fixes that are available on HornetQ 2.2.20.GA, as well as with these major fixes since EAP 5.1.2 initial release (that is HornetQ 2.2.10.GA):

              JBPAPP-7652 - JNDIs created through management are deleted upon shutdown
              JBPAPP-7917 - Fixing a typo on the code what didn't properly fix JBPAPP-7655
              JBPAPP-8038 - Potential deadlock in resource adapter
              JBPAPP-8067 - Page will not expire messages unless there's an active consumer
              JBPAPP-8086 - Create-queue may not be idempotent in some cases what would lead to permanent crash of the server
              JBPAPP-8125 - Singleton MDB won't failover as expected on a HornetQ cluster
              JBPAPP-8151 - Paging will not delete files if messages are rolled back
              JBPAPP-8168 - Delivery count is not incremented after client crash
              JBPAPP-8174 - Possible (unlikely though) NPE on destroy bridge - minimal change
              JBPAPP-8243 - Possible and unlikely NPE
              JBPAPP-8282 - LinkedList may lose message until reboot after certain message-selector use cases after redelivery
              JBPAPP-8366 - Leak on resource adapter
              JBPAPP-8377 - Duplicate record on recovery
              HORNETQ-881 - Consumer would hang if consumer was closed during large message transmission. could lead to XA Exceptions and message loss / duplicate
              JBPAPP-8561 - When one ManagedConnection is destroyed the pool's ServerLocator gets destroyed as well
              JBPAPP-8578 - Discovery group binds to on all OSs even though local-bind-address is set
              JBPAPP-8942 - HornetQ producer hang in ClientProducerCreditsImpl.acquireCredits after connection loss
              JBPAPP-9232 - HornetQ logging subscriber connections to topic/queue
              JBPAPP-8017 - non-durable subscribers aren't removed when the server is killed
              JBPAPP-9603 - Non Durable Subscription is leaking on paging if not properly closed
              JBPAPP-9616 - Fix NPE in journal importer
              JBPAPP-9617 - Message body is null when imported from XML
              JBPAPP-9783 - Paged is not properly cleared with the presence of prepared transactions
              HORNETQ-1026 - Method to remove Connections with a given client-id, as a way to workaround possible leaks
               HORNETQ-1020 Memory leak on Temporary Topics and connection loss
               JBPAPP-9737 - Paged Messages are overflowing the memory during a delete of core-queues (including JMS durable subscriptions)
               HORNETQ-1011 - Change Stomp message id key from 'hq-message-id' to 'hqMessageId' and Fix ClassCastException on stomp 'connection-ttl'
              1. Copy hornetq-core-client.jar to $JBOSS_HOME/client/hornetq-core-client.jar
              2. Copy hornetq-jms-client.jar to $JBOSS_HOME/client/hornetq-jms-client.jar
              3. Copy hornetq-bootstrap.jar to $JBOSS_HOME/common/lib/hornetq-bootstrap.jar
              4. Copy hornetq-core.jar to $JBOSS_HOME/common/lib/hornetq-core.jar
              5. Copy hornetq-int.jar to $JBOSS_HOME/common/lib/hornetq-int.jar
              6. Copy hornetq-jboss-as-integration.jar $JBOSS_HOME/common/lib/hornetq-jboss-as-integration.jar
              7. Copy hornetq-jms.jar to $JBOSS_HOME/common/lib/hornetq-jms.jar
              8. Copy hornetq-logging.jar to $JBOSS_HOME/common/lib/hornetq-logging.jar
              9. Copy hornetq-ra.jar $JBOSS_HOME/server/${profile-name}/deploy/jms-ra.rar/hornetq-ra.jar
              Clebert Suconic
              01 of August 2012
      PATCH NAME:          JBPAPP-9889 PRODUCT NAME:         JBoss Enterprise Application Platform (EAP) VERSION:         5.1.2 SHORT DESCRIPTION:         This is back porting the HornetQ 2.2.20.GA release to EAP 5.1.2. LONG DESCRIPTION:         This patch contains a few minor fixes that are available on HornetQ 2.2.20.GA, as well as with these major fixes since EAP 5.1.2 initial release (that is HornetQ 2.2.10.GA):          JBPAPP-7652 - JNDIs created through management are deleted upon shutdown          JBPAPP-7917 - Fixing a typo on the code what didn't properly fix JBPAPP-7655          JBPAPP-8038 - Potential deadlock in resource adapter          JBPAPP-8067 - Page will not expire messages unless there's an active consumer          JBPAPP-8086 - Create-queue may not be idempotent in some cases what would lead to permanent crash of the server          JBPAPP-8125 - Singleton MDB won't failover as expected on a HornetQ cluster          JBPAPP-8151 - Paging will not delete files if messages are rolled back          JBPAPP-8168 - Delivery count is not incremented after client crash         JBPAPP-8174 - Possible (unlikely though) NPE on destroy bridge - minimal change          JBPAPP-8243 - Possible and unlikely NPE         JBPAPP-8282 - LinkedList may lose message until reboot after certain message-selector use cases after redelivery          JBPAPP-8366 - Leak on resource adapter          JBPAPP-8377 - Duplicate record on recovery         HORNETQ-881 - Consumer would hang if consumer was closed during large message transmission. could lead to XA Exceptions and message loss / duplicate          JBPAPP-8561 - When one ManagedConnection is destroyed the pool's ServerLocator gets destroyed as well          JBPAPP-8578 - Discovery group binds to on all OSs even though local-bind-address is set         JBPAPP-8942 - HornetQ producer hang in ClientProducerCreditsImpl.acquireCredits after connection loss          JBPAPP-9232 - HornetQ logging subscriber connections to topic/queue          JBPAPP-8017 - non-durable subscribers aren't removed when the server is killed          JBPAPP-9603 - Non Durable Subscription is leaking on paging if not properly closed          JBPAPP-9616 - Fix NPE in journal importer          JBPAPP-9617 - Message body is null when imported from XML          JBPAPP-9783 - Paged is not properly cleared with the presence of prepared transactions         HORNETQ-1026 - Method to remove Connections with a given client-id, as a way to workaround possible leaks          HORNETQ-1020 Memory leak on Temporary Topics and connection loss           JBPAPP-9737 - Paged Messages are overflowing the memory during a delete of core-queues (including JMS durable subscriptions)          HORNETQ-1011 - Change Stomp message id key from 'hq-message-id' to 'hqMessageId' and Fix ClassCastException on stomp 'connection-ttl' MANUAL INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS:         1. Copy hornetq-core-client.jar to $JBOSS_HOME/client/hornetq-core-client.jar         2. Copy hornetq-jms-client.jar to $JBOSS_HOME/client/hornetq-jms-client.jar         3. Copy hornetq-bootstrap.jar to $JBOSS_HOME/common/lib/hornetq-bootstrap.jar         4. Copy hornetq-core.jar to $JBOSS_HOME/common/lib/hornetq-core.jar         5. Copy hornetq-int.jar to $JBOSS_HOME/common/lib/hornetq-int.jar         6. Copy hornetq-jboss-as-integration.jar $JBOSS_HOME/common/lib/hornetq-jboss-as-integration.jar         7. Copy hornetq-jms.jar to $JBOSS_HOME/common/lib/hornetq-jms.jar         8. Copy hornetq-logging.jar to $JBOSS_HOME/common/lib/hornetq-logging.jar         9. Copy hornetq-ra.jar $JBOSS_HOME/server/${profile-name}/deploy/jms-ra.rar/hornetq-ra.jar COMPATIBILITY:         N/A DEPENDENCIES:         N/A SUPERSEDES:         JBPAPP-9338 SUPERSEDED BY:         N/A CREATOR:         Clebert Suconic DATE:         01 of August 2012
    • NEW

      This patch will superseed any previous HornetQ patch on 5.1.2. If there was a way to deprecate the previous patch in favour of this one

        1. JBPAPP-9889-signed.tgz
          2.43 MB
        2. hornetq-ra.jar
          110 kB
        3. hornetq-logging.jar
          5 kB
        4. hornetq-jms-client.jar
          93 kB
        5. hornetq-jms.jar
          240 kB
        6. hornetq-jboss-as-integration.jar
          19 kB
        7. hornetq-int.jar
          59 kB
        8. hornetq-core-client.jar
          588 kB
        9. hornetq-core.jar
          1.44 MB
        10. hornetq-bootstrap.jar
          6 kB

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            csuconic@redhat.com Clebert Suconic
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