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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-16082

Prevent JBoss Tools 4.1 and JBDS 7.x from installing into Luna due to platform/API incompatibilities


      We already know (from JBIDE-15639) that components like Arquillian, Forge, Server, and Hibernate will not compile with Luna dependencies due to the fact that the upstream projects on which they depend have changed in incompatible ways.

      Therefore, JBT 4.2 / JBDS 8 is being built to ONLY work with Luna.

      But the converse should be true, too: we don't want users installing JBT 4.1 / JBDS 7.x onto Luna and ending up with something that doesn't work, even if it can be installed that way.


      Update manifest.mf files to PREVENT installing key parts of JBT 4.1 / JBDS 7.x into Luna, so that no user will hit this problem.

            nickboldt Nick Boldt
            nickboldt Nick Boldt
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