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  1. Red Hat Fuse
  2. ENTESB-5849

Patching Fabric with HF patch followed by rollup caused HF patch to be removed


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      1) Extract JBoss Fuse 6.2.1
      2) Start the container with [jboss-fuse]/bin/fuse
      3) Created fabric using fabric:create --clean
      4) Apply the 6.2.1 HF16 patch based on build 621113
      5) Check the version of activemq-osgi
      6) Apply the 6.2.1 R2 patch based on build 621107
      7) Check the version of activemq-osgi

      Expected Behavior:

      The activemq-osgi bundle should be based on the HF patch as it is higher build number

      Actual Behavior:

      The activemq-osgi bundle from the HF patch is replaced by the version in rollup

      1) Extract JBoss Fuse 6.2.1 2) Start the container with [jboss-fuse] /bin/fuse 3) Created fabric using fabric:create --clean 4) Apply the 6.2.1 HF16 patch based on build 621113 5) Check the version of activemq-osgi 6) Apply the 6.2.1 R2 patch based on build 621107 7) Check the version of activemq-osgi Expected Behavior: The activemq-osgi bundle should be based on the HF patch as it is higher build number Actual Behavior: The activemq-osgi bundle from the HF patch is replaced by the version in rollup

      If a HF patch is applied to a Fabric container following a rollup patch, the rollup patch replaces the HF. In this case the HF has a > build # than the rollup patch.

      This can cause problems where a HF patch is produced after a rollup and installed to resolve a critical fix not contained in the rollup. When the rollup patch is applied the fix is lost.

            ggrzybek Grzegorz Grzybek
            rhn-support-jsherman Jason Sherman
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