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  1. WINDUPRULE - Red Hat Application Migration Toolkit rules
  2. WINDUPRULE-368 EAP 7.2 Migration: Hibernate ORM 5.1 to Hibernate ORM 5.3 App Migration

EAP 7.2 Migration: Hibernate ORM 5.1 to Hibernate ORM 5.3 App Migration - dialect implementations that did not support a limit offset


    • Icon: Sub-task Sub-task
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 4.2.1.Final
    • None
    • None
    • None
    • Sprint 63, Sprint 64

      Documentation (preview) about the[ issue:|https://doc-stage.usersys.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/jboss_enterprise_application_platform_continuous_delivery/14/html-single/migration_guide/#migrating_from_hibernate_5_1_to_5_3

      An abstract (yet working) Hibernate 5.3 PoC rule may be found at https://github.com/emmartins/windup-rulesets/blob/WINDUPRULE-372/rules-reviewed/eap7/eap71/hibernate51-53.windup.xml , which should be broken into multiple rules targeting each concrete Hibernate 5.3 migration issue at https://github.com/hibernate/hibernate-orm/blob/5.3/migration-guide.adoc

      Note the example rule reference above should have the EAP Target set to
      <targetTechnology id="eap" versionRange="[7,8)" />

      5.2 migration notes: "In Hibernate 4.3, dialect implementations that did not support a limit offset would fetch all rows for a query and
      perform pagination in-memory. This solution, while functional, could have severe performance penalties. In 5.x, we preferred to favor performance optimizations which meant dialect implementations would throw an exception if a
      limit offset was specified but the dialect didn't support such syntax.

      As of 5.2.5.Final, we have introduced a new setting, `hibernate.legacy_limit_handler`, that is designed to allow users to enable the legacy 4.3 limit handler behavior. By default, this setting is false."

      Windup rule:

      When: if the dialect class is assignable to Cache71Dialect, DB2390Dialect, InformixDialect, IngresDialect, RDMSOS2200Dialect, SQLServerDialect, TimesTenDialect, and the dialect class does not override the method, Dialect.getLimitHandler() to support a limit offset, then hibernate will thrown UnsupportedOperationException if a limit offset is used (e.g., org.hibernate.Query.setFirstResult(int), org.hibernate.Criteria.setFirstResult(int), javax.persistence.Query.setFirstResult(int)
      Perform: set hibernate.legacy_limit_handler=true

            jvilalop@redhat.com Jonathan Vila Lopez (Inactive)
            pcattana Philip Cattanach
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
