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  1. WINDUPRULE - Red Hat Application Migration Toolkit rules

Provide more details on websphere and weblogic XML configuration files when they are found in applications


      Reported by Meissa M'baye Sakho <msakho@redhat.com>

      Most of the time, when we execute windup against a war or ear coming from weblogic or webpshere, windup discovers the proprietary weblogic.xml file for WLS file as well as ibm-web-ext.xmi for WAS and we can see them in the report.
      These files are used by both WAS and WLS to define proprietary features.
      But unfortunately, there is not enough input from windup reports about those features.
      It might be helpful if windup could point for each feature found in the proprietary file, the JBoss equivalent.
      We have some of them concerning WLS through the link below:

            Unassigned Unassigned
            lincolnthree Lincoln Baxter III (Inactive)
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