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  1. WINDUP - Red Hat Application Migration Toolkit
  2. WINDUP-3603

Run Windup on OpenJDK17 - Changes to Docs


    • False
    • None
    • False
    • Hide
      * *Why we missed the bug?*
       ** Pick to proper answer from drop-down field upper.
       +_Additional comments:_+

       * *What is required:*
       ** Pick to proper answer from drop-down field upper.
       +_Additional comments:_+
      * *Why we missed the bug?*  ** Pick to proper answer from drop-down field upper.  +_Additional comments:_+  * *What is required:*  ** Pick to proper answer from drop-down field upper.  +_Additional comments:_+
    • ---
    • ---

      Update Guides so that OpenJDK17 is included as well as OpenJDK11 as a valid java runtime prerequisites.

      The changes to the MTR 1.1 Maven Plugin guide is detailed separately in sub-task WINDUP-3737

      For MTR 1.1
      Changes to Section 2.1 of the CLI guide , Web UI guide , Eclipse and Red Hat CodeReady Studio guide ,
      add to the list of supported JDKs
      OpenJDK 17
      Oracle JDK 17
      Eclipse Temurin™ JDK 11
      Eclipse Temurin™ JDK 17

      Changes to Section 2 of the IntelliJ guide and Visual Studio guide
      add to the list of supported JDKs
      OpenJDK 17
      Oracle JDK 17
      Eclipse Temurin™ JDK 11
      Eclipse Temurin™ JDK 17

            rhn-support-sbeskin Sasha Beskin
            pcattana Philip Cattanach
            Sachin Singla Sachin Singla
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
