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      (17:08:42) Lincoln: ozizka: What if I put you in charge of maintaining the release JIRA: A top-level JIRA with sub-issues for each major feature
      (17:09:46) Lincoln: ozizka: we can all review it
      (17:10:16) Lincoln: ozizka: and I can make sure it's accurate with what the business expects (and what we'll actually deliver). Is that something you'd be interested in doing?
      Lincoln lincolnthree
      (17:11:33) ozizka-FN: lincolnthree: Whatever you wish How much time do you expect that to take?
      (17:12:07) ozizka-FN: And what would be the task - to monitor what jiras belong under it, and keep it linked?
      (17:13:36) Lincoln: ozizka: a few minutes, maybe an hour, to create the top level jiras for the upcoming release, and make sure they are linked to the right version.
      (17:13:58) ozizka-FN: ok
      (17:14:18) Lincoln: ozizka: and keeping that updated if requirements change (because that "never happens"
      (17:15:05) Lincoln: ozizka: maybe even put a link to that issue on a roadmap page on the WIKI
      (17:15:33) Lincoln: ozizka: (i wouldn't worry about future releases planning at the moment)
      (17:16:06) Lincoln: ozizka: just suggesting this because you said you wanted it, so, i'm delegating
      (17:16:44) ozizka-FN: Sure, np. When do you want it? ASAP, today, this week?
      (17:17:02) Lincoln: ozizka: whenever you want to fit it in, but maybe by friday at latest
      (17:20:50) ozizka-FN: ok.
      (17:21:35) Lincoln: ozizka: the document that outline what we're delivering is here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FfDW-4g7zzRXVdWd0NTle7K_Zesph16f4BZqx9i1LCE/edit#

            ozizka_jira Ondrej Zizka (Inactive)
            ozizka_jira Ondrej Zizka (Inactive)
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