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  1. WildFly
  2. WFLY-16112

Batch JobOperatorService should look for only active job names to stop during suspend


      The fix to WFLY-15921 introduced some change of behavior wrt suspend and restart:

      So when there's an unfinished execution in the repository DB at startup and no new executions were started yet since the crash:

      • before the patch: getJobNames() returns empty, so no getRunningExecutions(jobName) calls
      • after the patch: getJobNames() returns a set of all defined job names, resulting in getRunningExecutions(jobName) calls

      This issue is to address this change of behavior so the batch subssytem will behave the same as before fixing WFLY-15921 wrt server suspend and restart.

            cfang@redhat.com Cheng Fang
            cfang@redhat.com Cheng Fang
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