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  1. WildFly
  2. WFLY-14721

Add tests to XTS and transactions(JTA) subsystem for attributes that allow expression


    • Undefined

      There are no test to verify that some attributes in XTS and transactions subsystem allow expression.

      For XTS subsystem, the details for the attributes are here. Among these attributes, two of them do not have tests:

      1. url
      2. async-registration


      For transactions subsystem, here are the attribute details and few of them do not have test, which are as follows:

      1. socket-binding
      2. status-socket-binding
      3. recovery-listener
      4. node-identifier
      5. process-id-socket-binding
      6. process-id-socket-max-ports
      7. statistics-enabled
      8. enable-statistics
      9. enable-tsm-status
      10. default-timeout
      11. maximum-timeout
      12. object-store-relative-to
      13. object-store-path
      14. hornetq-store-enable-async-io
      15. journal-store-enable-async-io
      16. jdbc-store-datasource
      17. jdbc-action-store-table-prefix
      18. jdbc-action-store-drop-table
      19. jdbc-communication-store-table-prefix
      20. jdbc-communication-store-drop-table
      21. jdbc-state-store-table-prefix
      22. jdbc-state-store-drop-table

      Some of the attributes that are not present in transactions subsystem documentation but allow expression and do not have tests are:

      • jndi-name
      • batch-size
      • immediate-cleanup
      • stale-transaction-time


            pberan@redhat.com Petr Beran
            mkunwar1 Mayank Kunwar (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            5 Start watching this issue
