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  1. WildFly
  2. WFLY-13467

Issues in readme for microprofile-opentracing QS


      (1) The order of the steps at the beginning is confusing:
      1. Solution section says to start EAP and deploy the QS
      2. Start the JBoss EAP XP Standalone Server section says start EAP

      (2) Consider adding standard sections - see other (non-MP - because these were not yet tested)

      • Use of the EAP_HOME and QUICKSTART_HOME Variables
      • Run the Quickstart in Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio or Eclipse

      (3) Consider adding some instructions (or link to later sections of the readme) to access the app when deploying the complete example, it is only shown in the step-by-step sections.

      (4) pom.xml changes show WF BOM instead of EAP one:

      where ${version.server.bom} is the version of your JBoss EAP XP, in our case "1.0".

      Please notice there's no WF BOM of version 1.0.

      (5) WildFly used instead of EAP in:

      <!-- Import the CDI API, we use provided scope as the API is included in WildFly -->
      <!-- Import the Jakarta REST API, we use provided scope as the API is included in WildFly -->

      The same references are used in pom.xml as well.

      (6) No spans are created in jaeger console as documented in sections Implicit tracing of REST resources and later. In fact, jaeger console does not show the microprofile-opentracing.war at all following the instructions in readme. This is due to missing env vars settings when starting the EAP server.

            mstefank Martin Stefanko
            mstefank Martin Stefanko
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