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  1. WildFly
  2. WFLY-12937

Expired distributed web sessions/SFSBs not properly removed following rehash


      On topology change, changes to primary session ownership determine when a given member should schedule expiration of a given session, or cancel a scheduled expiration of a previously owned session. Primary ownership is determined by 2 components: the key partitioner and a consistent hash. The key partitioner determines which the segment to which a given key is assigned. A consistent hash determines which member is the primary owner of a given segment.

      The logic for determining primary ownership changes currently uses the wrong key partitioner. Currently, we use the partitioner from the cache configuration. However, when grouping is enabled (which is the case for web sessions and SFSBs), this parititioner is wrapped by a GroupPartitioner at runtime. That is the one we need.

      This results in expired web sessions/SFSBs remaining in memory, potentially indefinitely.

            pferraro@redhat.com Paul Ferraro
            pferraro@redhat.com Paul Ferraro
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