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  1. WildFly Core
  2. WFCORE-5845

[primary/secondary] Produce new configuration files (host-primary.xml / host-secondary.xml) and replace the default name for the primary host controller


      Replacement of master/slave by primary/secondary. The changes related to producing new configuration files should not affect WildFly, but I do think it will be better to align both projects now; this change will affect some startup up scripts, e.g. service.bat, and init.d configurations.

      Included tasks:

      • Changes to produce new host-primary.xml / host-secondary.xml.
      • Use "primary" as the default hostname for the primary host controller.
      • Review and fix affected tests.
      • Changes for init.d service configuration. We have to use conversion branches to ensure the changes will go to the product branch.
      • Change Web Console Error pages replacing occurrences. We have to use conversion branches to ensure the changes will go to the product.
      • Rename Galleon pack feature groups and related files

            yborgess1@redhat.com Yeray Borges Santana
            yborgess1@redhat.com Yeray Borges Santana
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