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  1. WildFly Core
  2. WFCORE-5837

AttributeMarshallers.SimpleListAttributeMarshaller needs to flag isMarshallableAsElement as true


      I haveĀ a long string value that I want to persist the XML configuration like:

          <x>Long string value that does not fit as attribute</x>
          <x>The element value should be more appropriate.</x>

      So I tried with

      AttributeDefinition ad = SimpleAttributeDefinitionBuilder.create("x", ModelType.STRING).build();
      SimpleListAttributeDefinition attributeDefinition = SimpleListAttributeDefinition.Builder.of("test", ad).build();

      then I got:

      java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: WFLYCTL0284: Could not marshal attribute as attribute: test
      	at org.jboss.as.controller.AttributeMarshaller.marshallAsAttribute(AttributeMarshaller.java:79)
      	at org.jboss.as.controller.AttributeMarshaller.marshall(AttributeMarshaller.java:95)

      Looking inside of the SimpleListAttributeDefinition, I see it uses AttributeMarshallers.SimpleListAttributeMarshaller internally which implements only marshallAsElement method, but leaving isMarshallableAsElement un-implemented which returns false by default.

            rhn-engineering-lgao Lin Gao
            rhn-engineering-lgao Lin Gao
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