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  1. WildFly Core
  2. WFCORE-5155

A NullPointException was found in a wildfly-jar-maven-plugin test


      WFCORE-5114 made a slight change with how the configuration API commits the logging changes. When upgrading the core version in wildfly-jar-maven-plugin a test failure occurred in the PR https://github.com/wildfly-extras/wildfly-jar-maven-plugin/pull/137.

      Error:    BootLoggingConfigurationTestCase.testSocketHandler:321->executeOperation:711 Operation {
          "operation" => "composite",
          "address" => [],
          "rollback-on-runtime-failure" => true,
          "steps" => [
                  "operation" => "add",
                  "address" => [
                      ("socket-binding-group" => "standard-sockets"),
                      ("remote-destination-outbound-socket-binding" => "log-server")
                  "host" => "",
                  "port" => 10514
                  "operation" => "add",
                  "address" => [
                      ("subsystem" => "logging"),
                      ("socket-handler" => "socket")
                  "named-formatter" => "PATTERN",
                  "outbound-socket-binding-ref" => "log-server"
                  "operation" => "add-handler",
                  "address" => [
                      ("subsystem" => "logging"),
                      ("root-logger" => "ROOT")
                  "name" => "socket"
      } failed: {"WFLYCTL0062: Composite operation failed and was rolled back. Steps that failed:" => {"Operation step-2" => {"WFLYCTL0080: Failed services" => {"org.wildfly.logging.handler.\"org.wildfly.logging.handler.socket\"" => "Failed to start service
          Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException"}}}}

      The NPE is in the service where the DelayedHandler instance is used, but returns null for some reason. I could not reproduce this locally, however it did happen locally for me with the ascyn-handler in the test. This may be a way to reproduce this locally.

            jperkins-rhn James Perkins
            jperkins-rhn James Perkins
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