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  1. Weld
  2. WELD-1857

Weld bundle should export org.jboss.weld.security package


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      Build a patched weld-osgi-bundle:
      1. Get the Weld source code, e.g.: git clone git@github.com:weld/core.git
      2. Checkout the version tag, e.g.: git checkout 2.2.9.Final
      3. Modify bundles/osgi/pom.xml file: add org.jboss.weld.security; on the line after org.jboss.weld.util;
      4. Build the bundle, e.g.: mvn clean package

      Attached is a modified bundle for GlassFish 4.1 users. This bundle also reflects the problem caused by WELD-1712.

      Build a patched weld-osgi-bundle: 1. Get the Weld source code, e.g.: git clone git@github.com:weld/core.git 2. Checkout the version tag, e.g.: git checkout 2.2.9.Final 3. Modify bundles/osgi/pom.xml file: add org.jboss.weld.security; on the line after org.jboss.weld.util; 4. Build the bundle, e.g.: mvn clean package Attached is a modified bundle for GlassFish 4.1 users. This bundle also reflects the problem caused by WELD-1712 .

      All proxies require access to this package from 2.2.6.Final. See also WELD-1751 and WELD-1828.

            mkouba@redhat.com Martin Kouba
            mkouba@redhat.com Martin Kouba
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