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  1. Undertow
  2. UNDERTOW-1011

Undertow doesn't process HTTPS request sometimes


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      We are able to reproduce the issue consistently by patching ServletInitialHandler.java with a sleep of 10ms like shown below:

      } finally

      { logger.info("Sleep 10 ms"); Thread.sleep(10); servletRequestContext.setRunningInsideHandler(false); listeners.requestDestroyed(request); }

      this seems to exagerate the race condition that is present and helps in getting the issue reproduce more quickly

      The attached testsuite.tar.gz contains soapui testsuite xml and the HelloWorld war that was deployed.

      After deploying the HelloWorld war in a wildfly server patched with the 10ms change in ServletInitialHandler.java, run the SOAP UI test suite in a loop

      We are able to reproduce the issue consistently by patching ServletInitialHandler.java with a sleep of 10ms like shown below: } finally { logger.info("Sleep 10 ms"); Thread.sleep(10); servletRequestContext.setRunningInsideHandler(false); listeners.requestDestroyed(request); } this seems to exagerate the race condition that is present and helps in getting the issue reproduce more quickly The attached testsuite.tar.gz contains soapui testsuite xml and the HelloWorld war that was deployed. After deploying the HelloWorld war in a wildfly server patched with the 10ms change in ServletInitialHandler.java, run the SOAP UI test suite in a loop

      We are seeing this issue in undertow 1.4.8 where it fails to process a POST(HTTPS) request sent from the SOAPUI client sometimes.

      We have the related info updated in the below JBoss thread:

      In short, seems like the default task thread which handled the previous HTTPS SOAP request drains the next request that is waiting to get serviced. This seems to be race condition which happens intermittently.

            sdouglas1@redhat.com Stuart Douglas
            vigneshsm_jira Balavignesh sethupathi (Inactive)
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            4 Start watching this issue
