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  1. Red Hat 3scale API Management
  2. THREESCALE-7488

Ability to add external Lua dependencies for custom policies


    • 3scale-doc-2021-11-01, 3scale-doc-2021-11-22

      Currently, when developing custom policies, there is no easy way to include or use external Lua libraries.

      The request is to provide a way to easily add Lua dependencies to APIcast. This will enable a lot more flexibility for users building custom policies as it will allow making use of external dependencies not included in the productized image.


      Demo: https://github.com/3scale-demos/apicast-json-to-xml (small policy that transforms JSON response to XML. It explains how to use external dependencies.) 

            Unassigned Unassigned
            amasferr Andreu Masferrer
            Tova Cohen Tova Cohen (Inactive)
            Petr Hála Petr Hála
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