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  1. Red Hat 3scale API Management
  2. THREESCALE-6405

Sphinx searches incorrectly return all records if you search by the name of the class


      Whenever one searches, in a index page of the Admin portal, for a term that matches part of the name of the Ruby class behind the collection being searched, Sphinx returns all records that are accessible to the current user logged in, instead of only the subset whose indexed fields match. E.g., searching for "Service" in the index of API products returns all API products; searching for "Backend" or "API" in the index of the API backends returns all API backends, analogously for Accounts, etc.

      Dev note
      This is due to Thinking Sphinx auto addition of the sphinx_internal_class_name field in all indices defined. SeeĀ https://github.com/pat/thinking-sphinx/issues/568.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            mcassola Guilherme Cassolato
            Dominik Hlavac Duran Dominik Hlavac Duran
            Aleksandar Kostadinov Aleksandar Kostadinov
            1 Vote for this issue
            10 Start watching this issue
