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  1. Red Hat 3scale API Management
  2. THREESCALE-6147

Improve 3scale toolbox import openapi example


    • API CCS Sprint 44 (3Scale) 2

      In the 3scale toolbox documentation in 3scale 2.8 https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_3scale_api_management/2.8/html/operating_3scale/the-threescale-toolbox#importing-openapi-definitions, on the chapter 2.6 there's an example that shows how to execute an import openapi command:

      $ podman run registry.redhat.io/3scale-amp2/toolbox-rhel7:3scale2.8 3scale import openapi [opts] -d=https://{DEST_KEY}@{3SCALE_ADMIN}-admin.{DOMAIN_NAME}  my-test-api.json

      Because the toolbox is executed by running a container, toolbox searches for the file `my-test-api.json` inside the container (as toolbox is executed in a container), and NOT on the user's local machine. This is confusing some users that do not have a lot of knowledge of containers and incorrectly assume that the file that they specify is a file in their local machine so we should improve that to not cause that confusion.

      We should make clear that the specified file has to be located / is searched for inside the container, or even better, change the example to provide the file from the local machine to the container by mounting a volume to the container or something like that.

      I marked this as affects version 2.8 but I guess the same issue exists in versions newer and older than 2.8. That should be checked on all the versions where this appears.

      Thank you.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            msorianod Miguel Soriano
            Darren Fennessy Darren Fennessy
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