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  1. Red Hat 3scale API Management
  2. THREESCALE-4776

Oracle system image fails to build when following documentation


    • integration-doc-2020-03-30, integration-doc-2020-04-20, integration-doc-2020-05-11

      If you attempt to build the Oracle system image by following the documentation, you will receive the following error or similar in the build logs:

      Pulling image registry.redhat.io/3scale-amp26/system@sha256:09e67d7458718d5e0f89deb28d64d12e8bfd51195b4014588355eac318616b79 ...
      error: build error: failed to pull image: Get https://registry.redhat.io/v2/3scale-amp26/system/manifests/sha256:09e67d7458718d5e0f89deb28d64d12e8bfd51195b4014588355eac318616b79: unauthorized: Please login to the Red Hat Registry using your Customer Portal credentials. Further instructions can be found here: https://access.redhat.com/RegistryAuthentication
      error: the build 3scale/3scale-amp-system-oracle-1 status is "Failed"

      This is because the pull secret needs to be explicitly linked to the builder.

      oc secrets link builder threescale-registry-auth

      The docs should include this step

            Unassigned Unassigned
            rhn-support-spoole Shannon Poole
            Miroslav Jaroš Miroslav Jaroš
            Darren Fennessy Darren Fennessy
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
