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  1. Red Hat 3scale API Management
  2. THREESCALE-10698

Remove remaining DeploymentConfig references


    • RHOAM Sprint 53

      Now that the 3scale-operator is no longer using DeploymentConfigs, any references to DeploymentConfigs that can be removed or updated should be.

      Remove or update references to DeploymentConfigs in the 3scale-operator code base (operator code, tests, scripts, docs, etc).

      Note that not all of the DeploymentConfig code can be removed in 2.15. Some of it (helper functions for the migration, RBAC needed to delete DCs, etc.) will need to remain until after the next release.

      The following is a non-exhaustive list of places to start:

      • Docs
      • Tests (unit and e2e)
      • pkg/reconcilers/deploymentconfig.go
      • DeploymentConfig API in dependencies See comment below for why these can't be fully removed yet

            Unassigned Unassigned
            ckyrillo@redhat.com Carl Kyrillos
            Lluis Cavalle Lluis Cavalle
            Matej Dujava Matej Dujava
            Carl Kyrillos Carl Kyrillos
            0 Vote for this issue
            6 Start watching this issue
