Resolution: Done
- import project
- preview procedure
I have a procedure with one input parameter. When I want to preview this procedure or deploy dynamic VDB, server shows me error that:
TEIID31100 Parsing error: Encountered "(4000) [*]result[*]) RETURNS" at line 2, column 52.
Procedure testProc RESULT param p1 must be of type OUT.
I noticed that generated dynamic VDB contains 'result' in this parameter but this parameter has set direction to IN. When I delete the result from dynamic VDB, the procedure works fine.
Actual DDL:
CREATE VIRTUAL PROCEDURE testProc (p1 string(4000) result) RETURNS TABLE (xml_out xml) OPTIONS ("REST:METHOD" 'GET', "REST:URI" 'test/{p1}') AS BEGIN SELECT XMLELEMENT(NAME test, XMLFOREST(ProcedureModel.testProc.p1 AS elem1, 'elem2' AS elem2)) AS xml_out; END;
expected DDL:
CREATE VIRTUAL PROCEDURE testProc (p1 string(4000)) RETURNS TABLE (xml_out xml) OPTIONS ("REST:METHOD" 'GET', "REST:URI" 'test/{p1}') AS BEGIN SELECT XMLELEMENT(NAME test, XMLFOREST(ProcedureModel.testProc.p1 AS elem1, 'elem2' AS elem2)) AS xml_out; END;
- is incorporated by
TEIIDDES-2699 Issues with Dynamic VDB import/export
- Closed
10.0.x: https://github.com/Teiid-Designer/teiid-designer/commit/a1aa75325e5d6e5e01bba74afe9e4b7f617e3b9f