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  1. Teiid
  2. TEIID-3425

Pass-through kerberos authentication on IBM JDK - principal is not passed to MSSQL driver


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Won't Do
    • Icon: Major Major
    • None
    • 8.7.1
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      0. add dependency "ibm.jdk" to module org.jboss.security.negotiation (https://issues.jboss.org/browse/TEIID-3416)
      1. start Teiid
      2. adapt set-up-mssql-ibm.cli and run it to configure Teiid
      3. deploy VDBs
      4. connect to Teiid and run query SELECT "user" FROM us

      0. add dependency "ibm.jdk" to module org.jboss.security.negotiation ( https://issues.jboss.org/browse/TEIID-3416 ) 1. start Teiid 2. adapt set-up-mssql-ibm.cli and run it to configure Teiid 3. deploy VDBs 4. connect to Teiid and run query SELECT "user" FROM us

      I have configured a datasource for MSSQL database. The datasource uses PassthroughIdentityLoginModule. I have also created a VDB which requires kerberos authentication. I am trying to pass credentials used for authentication CLIENT <=> TEIID to datasource so they can be used for authentication TEIID <=> MSSQL.

      Method getConnection(..) (record in server log) is called with correct credentials, but SQLServerDriver throws an exception:
      initAuthInit failed privileged exception:-java.security.PrivilegedActionException: org.ietf.jgss.GSSException, major code: 13, minor code: 0
      major string: Invalid credentials
      minor string: Cannot get credential from JAAS Subject for principal: default principal

      Some ideas, but I am only guessing:
      1. I have seen same exception (on client side) if system property "javax.security.auth.useSubjectCredsOnly" is set to false on client side. As this property is set to true in the server config (<property name="javax.security.auth.useSubjectCredsOnly" value="true"/>), it is probably not passed to the driver (or is being ignored).
      2. SQLServerDriver sets two system properties by default (if no kerberos configuration file is specified) useDefaultCcache = true moduleBanner = false - see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg558122%28v=sql.110%29.aspx - ibm kerberos login module will try to get TGT from ticket cache

      I have tried static kerberos configuration for same DS and there was no problem with it.

        1. sql2012krb-vdb.xml
          0.6 kB
        2. sql2012krb-static-vdb.xml
          0.5 kB
        3. set-up-mssql-ibm.cli
          4 kB

            rhn-engineering-rareddy Ramesh Reddy
            jdurani Juraj Duráni (Inactive)
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