QE Task
Resolution: Done
Kiali QE Sprint 3
While trying to run a simple Jenkins job from http://jenkins2.bc.jonqe.lab.eng.bos.redhat.com/ the command "sh new-project kearls-temp0' gave me:
oc new-project kearls-temp0 .
Error from server (Forbidden): You may not request a new project via this API.
You need to do the following to permit the jenkins service account to create projects:
oc login -u system:admin
oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user self-provisioner -z jenkins -n myproject
oc create -f jenkins-ci/clusterpolicy.json
oc policy add-cluster-role-to-user create_project_role system:serviceaccount:myproject:jenkins
Substitute the actual Jenkins project name for 'myproject'. More information is available here: https://access.redhat.com/solutions/2988521 and https://github.com/openshift/origin/issues/17678
You can find a copy of clusterpolicy.json described in the access.redhat.com link or here: https://github.com/kevinearls/jaeger-openshift/blob/kiali-337/jenkins-ci/clusterpolicy.json
I don't know if this will require a Jenkins or OS cluster restart.
Configured mvn slaves that following commands pass:
mvn --version
oc whoami
oc new-project fbr-testik
oc project fbr-testik
oc status
oc new-app mysql