Uploaded image for project: 'Subscription Watch'
  1. Subscription Watch
  2. SWATCH-786

Use a deny list instead of allow list for subscription filtering


    • Deny-list
    • False
    • Hide


    • False
    • Done
    • BIZ-579 - Create a deny-list for misbehaved subscriptions in Subscription Watch
    • 0% To Do, 0% In Progress, 100% Done

      In order to reduce issues with maintenance of the allowlist, we're planning to move to an allowlist. There are two functions of the allowlist to replace in swatch:

      1. Used as a filter when processing a given subscription/product.
      2. Used to query the list of products swatch should sync information for (nightly sync).

      For (1), we plan to replace the allowlist with a denylist.

      For (2), we plan to have the scope of the nightly sync be any product that has a subscription present in subscription watch (these are limited by the allowlist/denylist filter).

      The nightly sync would continue to operate until the UMB integration is enabled, in order to capture any changes in SKU attributes.

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            rhn-support-hhudgeon Hayley Kirby
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