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  1. Subscription Watch
  2. SWATCH-2101

Retry processing billable_usage's with retry_after field populated


      In order to retry messages that failed to send to the marketplaces, we need a new internal api to trigger sending the billable_usage kafka messages again. A cron job is also required to trigger the process.


      Swatch-tally-service will get a new internal API for this initiating this:

      • Billable Usage stuff is bundled as part of swatch-tally, but is kind of treated as its own thing (eventually to become its own service), so it has its own API schema that should be updated instead of the internal-tally one (internal-billing-api-spec.yaml) -> This was done as part of SWATCH-2103
      • Needs PSK for auth -> This was done as part of SWATCH-2103
      • Include an optional timestamp query param (as_of) to enable testing, without timestamp, assume now()
      • Query billable_usage_remittance for retry_after > as_of (and non_null)
      • Produce kafka message onto platform.billable_usage again
      • We don’t need any additional information here 
      • Clear retry_after column in the table


      • business logic for new internal API filled out that resends billable_usage kafka messages where billable_usage.retry_after < after_on.
      • cron job to call the api every 1 hr


      • This happens to identify the billable_usage_remittance records that are ready to be retried.  Retry_after < now()
      • Swatch-tally ClowdApp will get a cron job definition
        •  Every 1hr
      • Cronjob is calling POST endpoint, /internal/rpc/remittance/processRetries (see linked card for API definition)
      • GET /internal/remittance/accountRemittances will show the retry_after field . (For QE, internal_api_account_remittance() in mqe-tools hits that end point)

            jcarvaja@redhat.com Jose Carvajal Hilario
            kflahert@redhat.com Kevin Flaherty
            Trayvon McKnight Trayvon McKnight
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
