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  1. Subscription Watch
  2. SWATCH-1194

Move selenium grid to use port 80


      We have a test selenium grid hosted as 
       We are trying to ping a http url from namespace in https://console-openshift-console.apps.appsres03ue1.5nvu.p1.openshiftapps.com/k8s/ns/rhsm-stage-tests/pods but the connection is timeout , Any pointers as to what might me happening.

      we are blocked due to this from running our UI tests on grid.

      We filed https://issues.redhat.com/browse/ASIC-399
      The investigation was, 

      I uploaded a screenshot of the netsec tool output. The firewall appears to be blocking this host because of the non-standard 4444 port. Is there a reason this isn't using https/443, or at least 80 for the standard port? Is this a host that you're actually running where it would be trivial to make this change to avoid needing to request new firewall rules for multiple clusters to support this specific use case?

      DoD: Selenium grid uses 80 instead of 4444

            sjagtap@redhat.com Sanket Jagtap
            sjagtap@redhat.com Sanket Jagtap
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