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  1. OpenShift Specialist Platform Team
  2. SPLAT-1568

[aws][byoip][capa] Prototype the BYO IP feature using CAPA on installer

    • Sprint 251, OpenShift SPLAT - Sprint 253

      {}USER STORY:{}

      • As a CAPA user, I would like to decrease the impact of additional cost of Public IPv4 charges (introduced by AWS in February 2024) in my CI cluster pool consuming thousands clusters/day from Amazon-provided IPv4 pool (default), so I can keep the total cost of my fleet under control.
      • As a CAPA user, I would like to be able to deploy clusters consuming public IPv4 from my custom [IPv4 pool that I brought to AWS][byoip], so I can have control of public IPs used by my clusters.



      • Create a PR on installer setting the CAPA to create public resources (EIP) consuming from PublicIPv4Pool
        • The PR must include the draft of upstream proposal (which BYO IP is not currently supported)



      {}Nice to have:{}



      • Presubmit using Public IPv4 Pool is passing
      • Installer PR is merged



            rhn-support-mrbraga Marco Braga
            rhn-support-mrbraga Marco Braga
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue
