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  1. Satellite
  2. SAT-14743

iPXE template for hosts are getting generated with two "ks=" kernel command line parameters in Satellite 6.11 and above


    • Important

      +++ This bug was initially created as a clone of Bug #2149030 +++

      Description of problem:

      https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2041457 has fixed many issues but

      It's missing fixes from a related Redmine https://projects.theforeman.org/issues/34975 which was expected to fix "Kickstart default iPXE" template.

      Due to the unavailability of the same, the "Kickstart Default iPXE" template now renders in this way i.e.

      kernel http://satellite-fqdn/pulp/content/RedHat/Library/content/dist/rhel/server/7/7.9/x86_64/kickstart//images/pxeboot/vmlinuz initrd=initrd.img ks=http://satellite-fqdn/unattended/provision?token=7d732ee3-22e5-476c-adaa-ee2eb32074f4 network ksdevice=bootif ks.device=bootif BOOTIF=01-00-50-56-b4-ea-34 ks=http://satellite-fqdn/unattended/provision?token=7d732ee3-22e5-476c-adaa-ee2eb32074f4 kssendmac ks.sendmac ip=dhcp

      whether it's rhel 9 or below i.e. two ks= params.

      And for specifically rhel 9, we see one ks= and one inst.ks= entry

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):

      Satellite 6.11 and 12 ( it's perhaps reproducible in 6.10 as well )

      How reproducible:

      100 %

      Steps to Reproduce:
      1. Create a satellite 6.11 or above

      2. Setup the same for an PXE based deployment of RHEL 7 and RHEL 9

      3. Create two baremetal host entries for RHEL 7 and RHEL 9 respectively and submit for build.

      4. Go to https://<satellite-fqdm>/hosts/<host -fqdn> --> Templates --> From Edit Drop down review the "iPXE template"

      Actual results:

      For RHEL 7

      kernel http://satellite-fqdn/pulp/content/RedHat/Library/content/dist/rhel/server/7/7.9/x86_64/kickstart//images/pxeboot/vmlinuz initrd=initrd.img ks=http://satellite-fqdn/unattended/provision?token=7d732ee3-22e5-476c-adaa-ee2eb32074f4 network ksdevice=bootif ks.device=bootif BOOTIF=01-00-50-56-b4-ea-34 ks=http://satellite-fqdn/unattended/provision?token=7d732ee3-22e5-476c-adaa-ee2eb32074f4 kssendmac ks.sendmac ip=dhcp

      For RHEL 9

      kernel http://satellite-fqdn/pulp/content/RedHat/QA/RHEL9/content/dist/rhel9/9.0/x86_64/baseos/kickstart//images/pxeboot/vmlinuz initrd=initrd.img ks=http://satellite-fqdn/unattended/provision?token=887d2261-f47a-4196-957f-1bef01df0c13 net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0 BOOTIF=01-00-11-22-33-55-66 inst.ks=http://satellite-fqdn/unattended/provision?token=887d2261-f47a-4196-957f-1bef01df0c13 inst.ks.sendmac ip=dhcp

      Expected results:

      Only one ks= option should be visible for < RHEL 9

      Only one inst.ks= option should be visible for >= RHEL 9

      Additional info:

      Foreman 3.3.1 or above should already have that fix via https://projects.theforeman.org/issues/34975 and related PRs.

      — Additional comment from on 2022-11-28T20:03:43Z

      Upstream bug assigned to ofedoren@redhat.com

      — Additional comment from on 2022-11-28T20:03:44Z

      Moving this bug to POST for triage into Satellite since the upstream issue https://projects.theforeman.org/issues/34975 has been resolved.

      — Additional comment from on 2022-12-27T07:49:36Z


      Tested on Satellite 6.13.0 Snap 3.0

      Steps followed:
      1. Setup the satellite for an PXE based deployment of RHEL 7 and RHEL 9
      2. Create two baremetal host entries for RHEL 7 and RHEL 9 respectively and submit for build.
      3. Go to https://<satellite-fqdn>/hosts/<host -fqdn> --> Templates --> From Edit Drop down review the "iPXE template"

      For RHEL 7:
      Only one `ks=` option present

      kernel http://satellite-fqdn/pulp/content/Default_Organization/Library/content/dist/rhel/server/7/7.9/x86_64/kickstart//images/pxeboot/vmlinuz initrd=initrd.img network ksdevice=bootif ks.device=bootif BOOTIF=01-56-6f-0d-72-06-d7 ks=http://satellite-fqdn:8000/unattended/provision?token=fd9d8e23-9662-43e9-8d1b-176704bc0df2 kssendmac ks.sendmac ip=dhcp

      For RHEL 9:
      only one `inst.ks=` option present

      kernel http://satellite-fqdn/pulp/content/Default_Organization/Library/content/dist/rhel9/9.0/x86_64/baseos/kickstart//images/pxeboot/vmlinuz initrd=initrd.img BOOTIF=01-56-6f-0d-72-06-da inst.ks=http://satellite-fqdn:8000/unattended/provision?token=a9fadd93-2c3b-4416-9c8b-ea056e52a513 inst.ks.sendmac ip=dhcp

            ofedoren@redhat.com Oleh Fedorenko
            jira-bugzilla-migration RH Bugzilla Integration
            Shubham Ganar Shubham Ganar
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