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  1. RH-SSO
  2. RHSSO-752

mod_auth_mellon logout failed when using SSO


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      All configuration can be found in integration-arquillian/tests/other/mod_auth_mellon/
      1. Run RHSSO on port 8180 and import realm from test resources from mod_auth_mellon module
      2. Run both docker images (see README)
      3. Navigate to localhost:8380/auth and login as bburke and password (There should be page Protected resource)
      4. Navigate to localhost:8480/auth2 (There should be page Protected resource 2) (If there is login form, use workaround from RHSSO-753 and return to step 3)
      5. Logout, there should be Logout failed page

      All configuration can be found in integration-arquillian/tests/other/mod_auth_mellon/ 1. Run RHSSO on port 8180 and import realm from test resources from mod_auth_mellon module 2. Run both docker images (see README) 3. Navigate to localhost:8380/auth and login as bburke and password (There should be page Protected resource) 4. Navigate to localhost:8480/auth2 (There should be page Protected resource 2) (If there is login form, use workaround from RHSSO-753 and return to step 3) 5. Logout, there should be Logout failed page

      I am getting logout failed with NPE with mod_auth_mellon when I log out from a different client that I logged in. And error:

      ERROR [org.keycloak.protocol.saml.SamlProtocol] (default task-3) Can't finish SAML logout as there is no logout binding set.  Please configure the logout service url in the admin console for your client applications.

      But I have configured logout URL correctly, respectively it worked with the same configuration on ER2 and also it works when you log out from the same client where you logged in.

      I attached my server.log from RHSSO.

        1. server.log
          28 kB
          Michal Hajas

            mhajas@redhat.com Michal Hajas
            mhajas@redhat.com Michal Hajas
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