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  1. RH-SSO
  2. RHSSO-1753

eap7-keycloak-adapter-sso and eap7-keycloak-saml-adapter-sso7 RPM packages conflict with latest EAP7.2.1 eap7-wildfly package on RHEL7


      During testing of EAP7.2.1 RPM we ran into a possible conflict between EAP and RH-SSO adapters packages. This happen when current version of EAP 7.2.0 is nstalled on the machine both with available RH-SSO adapters. When user wants to perform update to a new version of EAP 7.2.1, there is printed following conflict:

      file /opt/rh/eap7/root/usr/share/wildfly/modules from install of eap7-wildfly-modules-0:7.2.1-5.GA_redhat_00003.1.el7eap.noarch conflicts with file from package eap7-keycloak-adapter-sso7_3-0:4.8.3-1.Final_redhat_00001.1.el7eap.noarch
      file /opt/rh/eap7/root/usr/share/wildfly/modules/system from install of eap7-wildfly-modules-0:7.2.1-5.GA_redhat_00003.1.el7eap.noarch conflicts with file from package eap7-keycloak-adapter-sso7_3-0:4.8.3-1.Final_redhat_00001.1.el7eap.noarch
      file /opt/rh/eap7/root/usr/share/wildfly/modules from install of eap7-wildfly-modules-0:7.2.1-5.GA_redhat_00003.1.el7eap.noarch conflicts with file from package eap7-keycloak-saml-adapter-sso7_3-0:4.8.3-1.Final_redhat_00001.1.el7eap.noarch
      file /opt/rh/eap7/root/usr/share/wildfly/modules/system from install of eap7-wildfly-modules-0:7.2.1-5.GA_redhat_00003.1.el7eap.noarch conflicts with file from package eap7-keycloak-saml-adapter-sso7_3-0:4.8.3-1.Final_redhat_00001.1.el7eap.noarch

      (note that this is an output from TPS tests where 'rpm' tool is used)

      I'm not sure whether this is a problem on RH-SSO side of packages or EAP, although, it looks a bit similar to https://issues.jboss.org/browse/RHSSO-1070.

      This conflict is present only on RHEL7 CDN repository. RHEL6 and RHEL8 are okay as there has not been any RH-SSO packages delivered yet.

            jstourac@redhat.com Jan Stourac
            padamec@redhat.com Petr Adamec
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