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  1. Red Hat Process Automation Manager
  2. RHPAM-502

[project-oriented] assets not indexed when repo cloned via rest


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      1. Deploy kie-wb*eap7.war to eap7.1
      2. unzip project from attachment (use it in step 4 to clone repo from it like "file:///path/to/unzipped/dashboard")
      3. Create users for rest operation/login to workbench (roles: rest-all,admin)
      4. Execute two rest commands from the description

      Expected result: assets are indexed after repo cloned by rest so they're visible in the UI
      Atual resutl: asset indexing doesn't start, UI shows "Indexing has not finished" forever.

      1. Deploy kie-wb*eap7.war to eap7.1 2. unzip project from attachment (use it in step 4 to clone repo from it like "file:///path/to/unzipped/dashboard") 3. Create users for rest operation/login to workbench (roles: rest-all,admin) 4. Execute two rest commands from the description Expected result: assets are indexed after repo cloned by rest so they're visible in the UI Atual resutl: asset indexing doesn't start, UI shows "Indexing has not finished" forever.

      When I use workbench rest api to 1) create space and 2) clone project into it the repo is not indexed.

      This worked when I tried with 7.7.0-SNAPSHOT from week ago - the project was imported successfully and assets are indexed (I see "Starting indexing of default://master@myspace/null/" in server log and assets are imported in project UI)

      When I try this with snapshot from today (https://repository.jboss.org/nexus/content/groups/developer/org/kie/kie-wb/7.7.0-SNAPSHOT/kie-wb-7.7.0-20180307.052424-276-eap7.war) the asset indexing is no longer trigered after repo is cloned. When I then go to UI I see "Indexing has not finished" forever (there's nothing going on in server.log, no message about indexing being started)

      Here are the commands I'm using to create space

      curl -u "testadmin:admin1234;" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"name":"myspace","owner":"testadmin","defaultGroupId":"org.myspace","description":"Great"}' http://localhost:8080/business-central/rest/spaces

      .. and clone repo to it

      curl -u "testadmin:admin1234;" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"userName":null,"password":null,"gitURL":"file:///home/jhrcek/Tmp/dashboard"}' http://localhost:8080/business-central/rest/spaces/myspace/git/clone

      The resulting repo in niogit has weird name ".niogit/myspace/null.git" but seems to have correct content (all the assets are there)

            mbarkley_jira Max Barkley (Inactive)
            jhrcek Jan Hrcek (Inactive)
            Jan Hrcek Jan Hrcek (Inactive)
            Jan Hrcek Jan Hrcek (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
