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  1. Red Hat Process Automation Manager
  2. RHPAM-4293

PIM on Quarkus 2.7.5 is failing to automatically create DB schemas through Flyway


      After running some certification jobs for the DB certification matrix[1] we noticed that productization version of PIM for ER1 is failing, mainly because of the Quarkus version used to build PIM - 2.7.5.

      After this upgrade, a new Flyway version is used (flyway-core 8.4.2), and in this one, some of the DBs are split in a different module such as MariaDB and MySQL (see note[2]) and thus a new dependency in the pom is needed.

      And some others are not longer supported in Flyway community version like DB2, see exception below:


      org.flywaydb.core.internal.license.FlywayEditionUpgradeRequiredException: Flyway Teams Edition or DB2 upgrade required: DB2 11.1 is no longer supported by Flyway Community Edition, but still supported by Flyway Teams Edition


      Maybe, one option could be to replace flyway with sql-maven-plugin - as mmacik@redhat.com suggested me.

      Acceptance Criteria

      1. PIM to be upgrade to 2.7.5 Quarkus version
      2. PIM won't create any external DB schema for PIM other than in-memory (H2) DB. In order for PIM to use any external DB, the DB schema should be created upfront by using the DDL scripts provided with the app.
      3. QE tests will create the PIM DB schema through the provided DDL scripts for both community and prod tests.


      [1] - https://qe-jenkins-csb-business-automation.apps.ocp-c1.prod.psi.redhat.com/job/TESTING/job/7.13/job/RHPAM-CR/job/processes/job/certifications/job/pim-service-backend-db-matrix/1/

       [2] - https://flywaydb.org/documentation/learnmore/releaseNotes#8.2.1

            mmacik@redhat.com Marian Macik
            antferna Antonio Fernandez Alhambra (Inactive)
            Marian Macik Marian Macik
            Marian Macik Marian Macik
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            5 Start watching this issue
