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  1. Red Hat OpenShift Data Science
  2. RHODS-1472

Missing/Incorrect steps in Permanently removing notebook servers and related resources [procedure]


      Description of problem:

      Several steps are missing or not working in the "Permanently removing notebook servers and related resources [procedure]"

      Prerequisites (if any, like setup, operators/versions):

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Delete the user from the JupyterHub administration interface
      2. a) click the Admin tab in the JuypterHub interface


      Step 2: Delete the user's single-user profile

           a) Click on Workloads -> ConfigMaps

           b) click the jupyterhub-single-user-profile-username ConfigMap

           c) Click the action menu and select Delete ConfigMap


      Step 3: Remove the user from the jupyterhub-custom-profiles Config Map

           a) Click on ConfigMaps

           b) Click the juypterhub-custom-profiles ConfigMap


      Step 5: Delete the user's ConfigMap

         a) Click Workloads -> ConfigMaps

         b) locate the jupyterhub-nb-username PVC


      Actual results:

      1. there is no Admin tab. You need to click on File -> Hub Control Panel and then Admin


             2. If you click on the ConfigMap, there is no action menu with the three dots. If you click on the ConfigMap, another page opens and there is a Action dropdown menu and you can select Delete. You could change step 2:b to just say "locate" as is done in step 4 and then Delete.


            3. There is no jupyterhub-custom-profiles ConfigMap. Does it only exist in certain setup situations?


           5. There is no juypterhub-nb-username pvc under Workloads -> ConfigMaps

      Expected results:

      1. There is no Admin tab in Jupyter notebook interface. You need to click on File -> Hub Control Panel and then Admin.


      2. You can select Delete from the Action menu if you locate the user vs. click on the user config map.


      3. There is no jupyterhub-custom-profiles ConfigMap. Does it only exist in certain situations?


      5. There should be a juypterhub-nb-username pvc under Workloads -> ConfigMaps or there should be a reason stating why it might not be there.

      Reproducibility (Always/Intermittent/Only Once):


      Build Details:

      Red Hat OpenShift Data Science operator version 1.0.16


      Additional info:

            rhn-ecs-lbailey Laura Bailey
            rhn-support-mhull Mary Frances Hull
            Arthy Loganathan Arthy Loganathan
            Arthy Loganathan Arthy Loganathan
            0 Vote for this issue
            5 Start watching this issue
