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  1. RHEL
  2. RHEL-33564

[RHEL EPIC] Podman-machine Apple Hypervisor Support - RHEL 10.0 Beta

    • [RHEL EPIC] Podman-machine Apple Hypervisor Support - RHEL 10.0 Beta
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      The following needs to be verified in order for this epic to be considered complete:

      • On macOS, run podman machine and then run `podman machine info` to validate the hypervisor in use.
      • Do basic Podman commands to ensure the Podman machine is running as expected.
      The following needs to be verified in order for this epic to be considered complete: On macOS, run podman machine and then run `podman machine info` to validate the hypervisor in use. Do basic Podman commands to ensure the Podman machine is running as expected.
    • Red Hat Enterprise Linux
    • sst_container_tools
    • 13
    • False
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    • Dev ack, PXE ack


      SME: Ashley Cui

      This will bring full native support of Apple Hypervisor to podman-machine.  The created machine on macOS will not need to use QEMU, and will run natively on the Mac without issues.  It will operate as it did before, although it should have a noticeable increase in performance.

      This is not a feature that will land on RHEL, rather only on macOS and will not carry RHEL support.

      Any QE work will be just minimal to make sure the machine comes up and that it's running a native hypervisor without and QEMU support.  Once the machine is running on a mac, the `podman machine info` command can be invoked, and the VMType should NOT list `qemu`.


      Improve podman-machine performance and experience on MacOS.


            tsweeney@redhat.com Tom Sweeney
            tsweeney@redhat.com Tom Sweeney
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