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  1. RHEL
  2. RHEL-33546

feat: support podman_credential_files

    • sst_system_roles
    • 2
    • Dev ack
    • False
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    • Yes
    • Red Hat Enterprise Linux
    • System Roles Sprint 1
    • Enhancement
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      Feature: The parameter podman_credential_files is used to provide containers-auth.json
      files which allow authentication to registries. See README.md for more infomation.

      Reason: Users need a way to provide credential files for authenticating to private
      registries. Some operations may need to pull images from registries in an
      automated or unattended way, and cannot use `registry_username` and `registry_password`.

      Result: Users can provide registry credentials for automated and
      unattended operations.
      Feature: The parameter podman_credential_files is used to provide containers-auth.json files which allow authentication to registries. See README.md for more infomation. Reason: Users need a way to provide credential files for authenticating to private registries. Some operations may need to pull images from registries in an automated or unattended way, and cannot use `registry_username` and `registry_password`. Result: Users can provide registry credentials for automated and unattended operations.
    • Proposed

      Feature: The parameter podman_credential_files is used to provide containers-auth.json
      files which allow authentication to registries. See README.md for more infomation.

      Reason: Users need a way to provide credential files for authenticating to private
      registries. Some operations may need to pull images from registries in an
      automated or unattended way, and cannot use `registry_username` and `registry_password`.

      Result: Users can provide registry credentials for automated and
      unattended operations.

            rmeggins@redhat.com Richard Megginson
            rmeggins@redhat.com Richard Megginson
            Richard Megginson Richard Megginson
            David Jez David Jez
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue
