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  1. RHEL
  2. RHEL-33362

nmstate changes default vlan.flags.

    • nmstate-2.2.32-1.el9
    • Normal
    • ZStream
    • sst_network_management
    • ssg_networking
    • 2
    • False
    • Hide


    • Approved Blocker
    • Hide

      Given a system administrator is deploying a cluster via Nmstate operator with a VLAN interface configuration,
      When they view the `vlan.flags` configuration using nmcli,
      Then, the `vlan.flags` should be set to `1 (REORDER_HEADERS)` instead of `0 (NONE)`.

      Definition of Done:

      • The implementation meets the acceptance criteria
      • Integration tests are written and pass
      • The code is part of a downstream build attached to an errata
      • The fix is backported into RHEL-9.2
      Given a system administrator is deploying a cluster via Nmstate operator with a VLAN interface configuration, When they view the `vlan.flags` configuration using nmcli, Then, the `vlan.flags` should be set to `1 (REORDER_HEADERS)` instead of `0 (NONE)`. Definition of Done: The implementation meets the acceptance criteria Integration tests are written and pass The code is part of a downstream build attached to an errata The fix is backported into RHEL-9.2

      Description of problem:

      When deploying cluster or updating cluster network via nmstate the vlan.flags are not as expected. This flag causes the vlan tag to show up on pods using the interface. Expected behavior is no tag at pod.
      < vlan.flags:                             1 (REORDER_HEADERS)
      Via nmstate:
      > vlan.flags:                             0 (NONE)


      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):


      How reproducible:

      Always, this is the default behavior of nmstate    

      Steps to Reproduce:

      1. Deploy cluster with vlan interface or create new interface via nmstate operater
      2. View con vlan.flags, "nmcli con show <intefaceName> |grep vlan.flags"
      3. Manually create a new vlan inteface via nmtui
      4. Observe differences between of vlan.flags using both methods.

      Actual results:

          vlan.flags: 0 (NONE)

      Expected results:

          vlan.flags: 1 (REORDER_HEADERS)

      Additional info:


            rh-ee-sfaye Stanislas Faye
            vtognaci@redhat.com Vincent Tognaci
            0 Vote for this issue
            8 Start watching this issue
