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  1. Red Hat Decision Manager
  2. RHDM-69

No error message for kmodule.xml schema error


      • Create a project
      • Edit kmodule.xml in repository view as described in the issue.

      In business-central, if you write a kmodule.xml with a schema error:

      <kmodule xmlns="http://jboss.org/kie/6.0.0/kmodule" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
        <kbase name="ABC" default="false" eventProcessingMode="stream" equalsBehavior="identity"/>
        <kbase name="ABC" default="false" eventProcessingMode="stream" equalsBehavior="identity"/>

      "Messages" panel displays one Error entry but without text (See attached kmodule-error-message.png). There is no error log in server.log as well.

      So hopefully have both:

      • error message in "Messages" panel
      • error message in server.log

        1. RHDM-69.png
          54 kB
          Michael Anstis
        2. kmodule-error-message.png
          99 kB
          Toshiya Kobayashi

            manstis@redhat.com Michael Anstis
            rhn-support-tkobayas Toshiya Kobayashi
            Jan Hrcek Jan Hrcek (Inactive)
            Jan Hrcek Jan Hrcek (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            6 Start watching this issue
