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  1. Red Hat Decision Manager
  2. RHDM-1411

Define Map<String,Object> not woks in rule test scenario


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      1) Create a data object and create variable Map<String,Object>.

      2) Create a rule test scenario and add that data object and add the map variable and try to double click on insert value ans it will not show any pop up, but if we add like    Map<String,String>.then it will show pop up and you can add key value pair.

      3) I have created a reproducer(using Map<String,Object>.) and attached it along with screen shot.

      If you make changes in a reproducer like using Map<String,String> then it will work.


      1) Create a data object and create variable Map<String,Object>. 2) Create a rule test scenario and add that data object and add the map variable and try to double click on insert value ans it will not show any pop up, but if we add like    Map<String,String>.then it will show pop up and you can add key value pair. 3) I have created a reproducer(using Map<String,Object>.) and attached it along with screen shot. If you make changes in a reproducer like using Map<String,String> then it will work.  

      1. Screencast from 07-16-2020.webm
        679 kB
        Yeser Amer
      2. Screenshot from 2020-07-15 17-44-54.png
        181 kB
        Amit Nijhawan
      3. Screenshot from 2020-07-16 16-56-19.png
        180 kB
        Amit Nijhawan
      4. teslmaprule.tar.gz
        42 kB
        Amit Nijhawan

          yamer@redhat.com Yeser Amer
          rhn-support-anijhawa1 Amit Nijhawan (Inactive)
          Jan Stastny Jan Stastny
          Jan Stastny Jan Stastny
          0 Vote for this issue
          4 Start watching this issue
