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  1. Hybrid Cloud Console
  2. RHCLOUD-32579

PoC investigating custom elements integration in platform shell


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      User Story

      AS A platform engineerI WANT to integrate digital design system elementsSO THAT console-dot UX aligns more with Red Hat's digital experiences

      Business Case

      This improves service by aligning user experience with digital experience

      This work should be prioritized to investigate and identify technical blockers to:

      1. breaking down technical silos
      2. {{ increasing inter-org collaboration}}
      3. decreasing duplication of effort


      This work would use an ephemeral testing environment in order to make investigations. The engineers tasked by the DPO to make this investigation would create the environment or receive access to one created by console-dot platform engineers. We anticipate that after the environment is provided, investigations will take one or two sprints


      "The Big Rewrite" is out of scope of this ticket: it is a POC built so we can evaluate feasibility and impact to engineering/QE. Tenant apps' frontend stacks are not to be affected by this ticket. For this investigation, we intend to limit our scope to the pl.atform engineering shell


      We believe that platform engineering is the primary team impacted by this. A successful result will lead to reduced duplication of effort across red hat organizations, and maintain alignment with high-level design imperatives at the DPO.


      After the PoC has been created, QE may check for a11y and l10n issues as well as identify any gotchas or hiccups in the devops pipeline that may arise due to the introduction of cross-organizational design system elements.

            rhn-insights-rlong Ryan Long
            bepowers@redhat.com Benjamin (Benny) Powers
            Martin Marosi, Nicole Thoen, Steven Spriggs
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
