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  1. JBoss BRMS Platform
  2. RHBRMS-194

Build & Deploy should automatically save changes

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      Description of problem:
      It would be nice if clicking Build & Deploy in the Project Editor also automatically saved changes made there.

      Example use case: User wants to deploy an updated version of a project. He updates the project, raises the project version to mark this and hits Build & Deploy right away. The change to the project version is saved automatically.

            jschatte@redhat.com Jan Schatteman
            zkrejcov Zuzka Krejčová (Inactive)
            rhn-support-ceverson Clark Everson
            Zuzka Krejčová Zuzka Krejčová (Inactive)
            Zuzka Krejčová Zuzka Krejčová (Inactive)
            etirelli, paradhya2, Rajesh Rajasekaran
