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  1. JBoss BRMS Platform
  2. RHBRMS-1663

Peculiar behaviour when first opening the Project Explorer

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      Description of problem:
      In one distinct case, when the Project Explorer is first opened, New Item menu acts as if no repository is selected.

      The case is:
      You have a git repository with lexicographically lowest name (e.g. 'aaa'). This repository does not contain any projects.

      If you, in such a case, go to Authoring -> Projects (in BRMS, Authoring -> Projects Authoring in BPMS), the repositories are loaded, the lexicographically lowest repo is selected in the GUI. If you then click New Item, wanting to add a project to the repo, you will see this option is not enabled.

      You have to switch to another repo and back first. I wonder what would you do, if you didn't have any other repo...

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
      BRMS 6.0 ER2

            manstis@redhat.com Michael Anstis
            zkrejcov Zuzka Krejčová (Inactive)
            rhn-support-ceverson Clark Everson
            Zuzka Krejčová Zuzka Krejčová (Inactive)
            Zuzka Krejčová Zuzka Krejčová (Inactive)
            Radovan Synek
