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  1. JBoss BPMS Platform
  2. RHBPMS-67

Special characters are not allowed in the Task GroupID


      Description of problem:

      It is not possible to input other than AlphaNumerical characters in the Task Group ID.

      This is a bug because of :

      — you can't input multiple groups using comma separated list (g1,g2)
      --> you can't enter the comma
      — you can't implement dynamic group resolution with using an expression
      --> you can't enter #


      How reproducible:

      Steps to Reproduce:
      1. Create BPMN process in JBDS
      2. Drag Human Task on the canvas
      3. open properties and try to input some special character into the groupid property.

      Actual results:
      Special character can't be inputted into GroupID property in Human Task

      Expected results:
      Special character can be inputted into GroupID property in Human Task

      Additional info:

            mbaluch@redhat.com Marek Baluch
            rhn-support-agiertli Anton Giertli
            Jozef Marko Jozef Marko
            Jozef Marko Jozef Marko
            bpms-support, Marek Baluch, Musharraf Hussain
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue
