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  1. JBoss BPMS Platform
  2. RHBPMS-2762

IE9: Designer is not fully loaded


      Description of problem:
      I tried jBPM Designer with IE9 and it was not loaded. I was waiting for 5 minutes without any results.

      When I tried different browsers (Chrome, Firefox) with same instance of BPMS then the designer works without problems.

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
      6.0.2 GA BPMS and 6.1.0 SNAPSHOT BPMS

      How reproducible:
      every time when you open any process from repository in IE9. It seems that IE10 and IE 11 works.

      Actual results:
      Designer is gray, loading dialog and partially loaded toolbar are present.

      Expected results:
      Fully loaded Designer.

      Additional info:
      Please, add commits for both product's versions (6.0.2 and 6.1.x).

            jeremylindop_jira Jeremy Lindop (Inactive)
            smala_jira Sona Mala (Inactive)
            Kirill Gaevskii Kirill Gaevskii
            Kirill Gaevskii Kirill Gaevskii
            Jeremy Lindop (Inactive), Kris Verlaenen, Lukáš Petrovický (Inactive), Marek Baluch, Rajesh Rajasekaran
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