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  1. OpenShift Request For Enhancement
  2. RFE-2788

As an user, I want to install a specific version of a Helm Chart


    • False
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    • False
    • Not Selected

      1. Proposed title of this feature request

      As an user, I want to install a specific version of a Helm Chart

      2. What is the nature and description of the request?

      When I install a Helm Chart from OpenShift Dev Console, the "Chart version" is set to the latest release from https://charts.openshift.io and I don't have the ability to specify a different older release.

      3. Why does the customer need this? (List the business requirements here)

      We have released the wildfly 2.0 Helm Chart that is incompatible with the previous 1.x releases.
      This new chart requires changes to the WildFly application and should be used whenever the user is willing to upgrade.

      I would like to incorporate this new release in our Charts in addition to the 1.x releases but this would prevent any existing users to continue to use the 1.x releases.

      The helm cli allows to specify a version (or a version range) when it installs a Helm Chart. The OpenShift dev console should also offer this feature.

      Moreover , from the dev console, when I upgrade the Helm release, I have the ability to chose which versions to upgrade (or downgrade). Having the same ability at installation time would be consistent with the upgrade mechanism.

      4. List any affected packages or components.

      The "Helm" component of the OpenShift Dev Console

            sdoyle@redhat.com Serena Nichols
            jmesnil1@redhat.com Jeff Mesnil
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
