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  1. OpenShift Request For Enhancement
  2. RFE-1304

The OCP should point out any incorrect or typos while editing CNO CR rather than saving the configuration successfully.


    • False
    • False
    • Undefined

      1. Proposed title of this feature request
      The OCP should point out any incorrect or typos while editing CNO CR rather than saving the configuration successfully.

      2. What is the nature and description of the request?
      Customer was trying to add "additionalNetwork" section to the CNO CR, while doing so there is part of configuring ipam CNI plug-in with static IP address assignment.

      Customer copied a piece of configuration from our documentation, replaced the values specific to their environment and then saved it, it resulted in 'network' operator going in degraded state.

      After lots of debugging we found that there was a missing comma "," and an extra curly bracket (which we can consider as typo) and it was very hard to find that.

      [1] The comma was missing in the doc for which a doc bug: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1889324 has already bean raised. However, if the product would have pointed the issue with some clear message there itself(CNO CR editing window) with line number and if it would not have got saved successfully then all further issues might have avoided.

      Due to this issue, 'network' operator went into degraded state and showed errors like below;
      2020/10/16 08:13:42 WARNING: Not rendering DHCP daemonset, failed to Unmarshal RawCNIConfig: [123 32 34 99 110 105 86 101 .....
      2020/10/16 08:13:42 Failed to render: invalid Additional Network Configuration: [Failed to Unmarshal RawCNIConfig: [123 32 34 99 110 .....

      Looking at these errors, it does not point anything related to the issue (typo in CNO CR configuration, the incorrect config details, etc.)
      These logs are secondary, what mentioned above [1] is expected to happen at first place so as to completely avoid the issue from happening.

      3. Why does the customer need this? (List the business requirements here)

      This RFE is proactively being raised based on the ticket/case that customer raised. After hours of analysis we found the issue and thus thought of raising it as RFE to enhance the product thereby could help other customers/users in further.

      4. List any affected packages or components.
      Cluster network operator.

            mcurry@redhat.com Marc Curry
            rhn-support-nchavan Niket Chavan (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue
