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  1. Quarkus
  2. QUARKUS-2246

Integrate Vertx HTTP extension with custom CredentialsProvider


      Customer would like to configure below points:
      1. client-cert authentication/authorization with 2 way ssl

      Note this requirement only applies to configuring Quarkus Vert.x HTTP component.

       Quarkus support mTLS authentication so that you can authenticate users based on their X.509 certificates as described in [1]. It does not explicitly support client-cert auth like formm basic etc.

      2. the keystore/truststore passwords to be stored in the vault file.

      There is no configuration option listed in [2] to store keystore passwords in vault.



      Could you kindly let us know how Keystore and trustore passwords to be stored on vault while using RHAPM + quarkus integration on Openshift ?Any examples or doc on the same?

            sbiarozk Sergey Beryozkin
            rhn-support-spatra Sweta Patra (Inactive)
            Rostislav Svoboda Rostislav Svoboda
            2 Vote for this issue
            16 Start watching this issue
