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  1. Project Quay
  2. PROJQUAY-193

Make Swagger part of Quay or improve built-in API documentation


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      Although we recently published a dedicated guide around our valuable Quay API the applicable API calls depend on the enabled features which varies between deployments.

      Customer ask was to ship a swagger component as part of the product to let them browse the UI even in air-gapped environments directly. This seems to be an overkill given the required efforts to maintain another 3rd party component.

      Instead we could improve the documentation and in best case make the docs available inside the product UI to support air-gapped deployments.

      Icing of the cake would be to dynamically show / hide sections of the API guide not applicable to a particular deployment depending on enabled features.

            rhn-support-gmcgoldr Gabriel McGoldrick
            dirk.herrmann Dirk Herrmann (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue
